Chemical and Standards

Sr No Name of Solvent/Acid
1 Acetic acid
2 Acetaldehyde
3 Acetonitrile
4 Acetyl acetone
5 Acetyl chloride
6 Acrylonitrile
7 Allyl bromide
8 2-Amino-2-methyl-propan-1-ol
9 Ammonia Solution
10 iso-Amyl alcohol
11 Aniline
12 O-Anisidine
13 Acetic anhydride
14 Acetone
15 Acetophenone
16 Acetyl bromide
17 Acrylic acid
18 Allyl alcohol
19 Allyl chloride
20 Ammonia Solution
21 iso-Amyl acetate
22 iso-Amyl bromide
23 m-Anisaldehyde
24 o-Anisaldhyde
25 Benzaldehyde
26 Benzene
27 Benzoyl Chloride
28 Bromine
29 Bromoform
30 2-Butanone
31 Butyl acrylate
32 iso-Butyl alcohol
33 tert-Butyl alcohol
34 tert-Butylamine
35 n-Butyl iodide
36 tri-n-Butyl Phosphate
37 n-Butyl stearate 40-60 % (GC)
38 Benzyl acetate
39 Benzyl benzoate
40 Benzyl cyanide
41 Bromobenzene
42 a-Bromonaphthalene
43 n-Butyl acetate
44 n-Butyl alcohol
45 sec-Butyl alcohol
46 n-Butylamine
47 1 (+)1,3,Butylene glycol
48 iso-Butyl methyl ketone
49 di-Butyl phthala
50 n-Butric acid
51 n-Caprylic acid
52 n-Capric acid
53 Carbon disulphide
54 M-Chloroaniline
55 Mono-Chlorobenzene
56 o-Chlorophenol
57 m-Cresol (mixed isomers)
58 o-Cresol
59 Carbon tetrachloride
60 o-Chloro aniline
61 Chloroform
62 Chorosulphonic acid
63 Cyclohexane
64 Cyclohexylamine
65 o-Dichlorobenzene
66 Dichloromethane
67 Diacetone alcohol
68 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl chloride
69 Diethanolamine
70 NN-Diethylaniline
71 Diethylene gloycol
72 Diethyleneglycolmonoethylether
73 Diethyl ether
74 Diethyl oxalate
75 Diethyl sulphate
76 Dimethylamine
77 Dimethylamine solution in water
78 Dimethyl carbonate
79 Dimethyl sulphate
80 1,4-Dioxan
81 n-Dodecyl mercaptan
82 Diethylamine
83 Diethyl carbonate
84 Diethyleneglycolmonobutylether
85 Diethyleneglycolmonomethyleyher
86 Diethyl malonate
87 Diethy phthalate
88 NN-Dimethyl acetamide
89 Dimethylamine soln in alcohol
90 NN-Dimethylaniline
91 Dimethyl formamide
92 Dimethyl sulpohoxide
93 tert-Dodecyl mercaptan
94 Epichlorohydrin
95 mono-Ethanolamine
96 Ethyl acrylate
97 Ethyl benzene
98 Ethyl bromide
99 Ethylendiamine
100 Ethylene glycol
101 Etyleneglycolmonoethyether
102 Ethtyl formate
103 Eugenol
104 1,2-Ethanedithiol
105 Ethyl acetoacetate
106 Ethylamine solution
107 Ethyl benzoate
108 Ethylene chloride
109 Ethylene dibromide
110 Ethyleneglycolmonobutylether
111 Ethyleneglycolmonomethylether
112 Ethyl iodide
Sr No Name of Solvent/Acid
113 Formic acid 85%
114 Formic acid 98-100%
115 Furfurlyamine
116 Glycerin
117 Guaiacol
118 N-Heptane
119 Glutaraldehyde solution
120 Glyoxal solution 40%
121 Heptane fraction from petroleum
122 Hexane fraction from petroleum
123 N-Hexane
124 Hexylene glycol
125 Hydrazine hydrea
126 Hydriodic acid
127 Hydrobromic acid
128 Hydrofluoric acid
129 Hydrogen peroxide
130 Hypophosporous acid
131 Mesityl oxide 90%
132 Methanesulphony chloride
133 Methyl acetate
134 Methyl acrylate
135 Methy anthraniline
136 Methyl ethyl ketone
137 Methylene iodide
138 N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
139 Morpholin
140 Nitrobenzene
141 2-Nitropropane
142 M-Nitrotoluene
143 Iso-Octane
144 N-Octane
145 Paraffin Liquid heavy
146 Perchloroethylene
147 Perchloric acid (70%)
148 Petroleum ether
149 Phenyl hydrazine
150 Phosphorous oxychloride
151 Polethylene glycol
152 Hexyl bromide
153 Hydrazine hydrate
154 Hydroiodic acid
155 Hydrochloric acid
156 Hydrofluoric acid
157 Hydrogen peroxide
158 Lactic acid
159 Methane sulphonic acid
160 Methanol
161 Methyl acetoacetat
162 Methylamine solution
163 Methyl benzoate
164 Methylene bormide
165 Methyl formate
166 Methyl Salicylate
167 Nitric acid
168 Nitroethane
169 o-Nitrotoluene
170 n-Nonane
171 Oleic acid 67-70%
172 Paraffin liquid light
173 n-Pentane
174 Perchloric acid (60%)
175 Petroleum ether 40-60c
176 Petroleum ether 80-100c
177 Petroleum ether 120-160C
178 o-Phosphoric acid
179 Phosphorous tribromide
180 2-Picoline
181 4-Picoline
182 Polyethylene glycol
183 Propionic acid
184 n-Propyl alcohol
185 iso-Propyl bromide
186 iso-Propyl ether
187 iso-Propyl myristate
188 Quinoline
189 Silicon antifoaming agent
190 Silicon tertachloride
191 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
192 Thioglyocollic acid 80%
193 Thionyl chloride
194 Titanium trichlor
195 M-Toluidine
196 Triacetin
197 Trichloroethylene
198 Triethanolamine
199 Triton X 100
200 Tween 80
201 Water
202 iso-Propyl alcohol
203 n-Propyl amine
204 n-Propyl bromide
205 Propylene glycol
206 Pyridine
207 Salicylaldehyde
208 Silicon oil
209 Sulphuric acid
210 Tetrahydrofuran
211 Thiophene
212 Toluene
213 o-Toluidine
214 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
215 Tricresyl phosphate
216 Triethylamine
217 Tween 20
218 iso-Valeric acid
219 o-Xylene
220 Formamide
221 Formic acid 90%
222 Furfuraldehyde (Furfural)
223 Formaldehyde solution



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